FANZINES! Festival blog



Le 2 juillet prochain, nous organisons une vente de dessins au profit du festival Fanzines ! qui aura lieu, comme vous le savez en octobre prochain pour sa quatrième édition.

Le principe est le suivant : plus d’une centaine de dessinateurs ont réalisé des dessins de 10 x 10 cm qui seront vendus pour la somme modique de 10 €.

Les fonds récoltés lors de cette soirée de bienfaisance serviront au financement des expositions et à la venue des personnes invitées. Pour rappel, Fanzines! est un festival animé par une équipe entièrement bénévole, et qui propose pendant un
mois des expositions, conférences, ateliers et un salon d’éditions. Pour que cette quatrième édition puisse s’organiser dans de bonnes conditions, nous avons besoin de votre soutien !

Rendez-vous le mercredi 2 juillet pour cette grande vente de dessins originaux.
Sur place, vous trouverez des rafraichissements et gourmandises salées / sucrées à des prix modiques.

Mercredi 2 juillet, dès 18h00,

Chez l’Articho  28, rue des Trois Bornes – Paris 11ème

retrouvez l’actualité du Festival et plus d’infos sur cet évènement sur la page Facebook de Fanzines !



The 2014 edition of the Fanzines! Festival is slowly taking shape – we’re working on several exhibition projects, conferences and other exciting events. The festival will take place in the eastern neighbourhoods of Paris from 3 to 31 October 2014.

As every year we’ll be exhibiting zines from all over the world in the Marguerite Duras Public Library. The call for contributions is now online! Send us your zine of choice until 15 June 2014 at the latest! We’re excited to see the new zines of 2014!

At Fanzines! Festival we have reasons to celebrate: Summer is finally here, and the first contributions for the year 2013 start arriving in our mailbox. We’ll photograph and publish all the zines that we receive. Soon you’ll be able to check them out on this website, to catch a glimpse of what we’ll be exhibiting in October.

You can still send us your zines until July 15, detailed information on how and where to send them can be found in our call for contributions.

Sorry, this entry is only available in Français.

Sorry, this entry is only available in Français.

A big Thank You to everyone who has sent us their publications for this year’s exhibition of fanzines! We have received over 500 publications from thirty countries, for example from Japan, Germany, Chile, the Netherlands, the Philippines, South Africa, Trinidad and Tobago, Brazil, Lithuania, China, Italy, Canada, Poland and many others.

The deadline has now passed since 15 July, and we do not accept any new contributions anymore. Sorry if you missed the date, but be sure to send us your zines next year, we’d be happy to exhibit them!

We hope that many of you will come to see the exhibition at the Marguerite Duras Public Library in the 20th district in Paris. It will be open to the public starting Saturday, 20 October 2012.

As last year, we’re going to publish images of all the received contributions on this website, so keep watching this space over the weeks to come!

NOTE: We don’t accept contributions for 2012 anymore, the deadline has passed since 15 July. Sorry!

we’re currently organising the second Fanzines! Festival, it will take place this fall in the 20th district of Paris. The central point of the festival will be the Marguerite Duras Public Library, just like last year.

Again, we’re preparing an exhibition of fanzines and self-published books from all over the world, which will last over the course of the whole festival (three weeks; to see what it looked like last year click here). The idea is for you to send us a copy of one or several of your fanzines/publications, together with the filled-out participant form, which we will exhibit from 17 october to 4 november 2012. The exhibition will be seen by a large and diverse public – that of the public library as well as that of the festival. After the exhibition, your zine will become part of the collection of the library and can be checked out or read by anyone interested. It will also appear in the catalogue of the public libraries of Paris.


  • Send us one or several zines of your production (one copy per publication is sufficient)
  • We’ll exhibit it for three weeks in Paris, where it will be visible to a large audience.
  • Your zine will be part of the collection of the Public Library afterwards and can be checked out/consulted by anyone interested.



  • 15 July 2012 (postal stamp)


  • Send your zines to:


    51, rue Pixérécourt

    75020 Paris


Become a part of the second Fanzines! Festival in Paris! And if you don’t live too far away, come visit Paris in October to see your Zine exhibited together with others from around the world! There will also be other exhibitions & events, more information soon to follow.

Thank you in advance for the contributions! See you in Paris this October!

The team from Papier Gaché / Fanzines! Festival

Romina Pelagatti, Eglantine Ruault, Bastien Contraire, Volker Zimmermann


17 october – 4 november 2012

Festival for self-published books & zines, organised by PAPIER GACHE at The Marguerite Duras Public Library

Follow us on Facebook:

Write us an email: papiergache (at) gmail (dot) com


Dernier évènement du festival FANZINES! : un atelier zine pour les 5 -7 ans animé par Papier Gaché, samedi prochain à 14h. sur inscription au

The first evening of the Salon Fanzines! – Ricky Hollywood & the Lowpets play at the Monte-en-l’air bookshop & gallery. Thanks to all the participants & visitors who made this first Salon Fanzines! a success!

More photos and a video after the break.

Samedi 15 octobre, se déroulera l’un des projets les plus intrigants du festival Fanzines! : la conférence musicale de l’équipe de la revue Collection.

Collection est une revue d’entretiens annuelle et bilingue autour du dessin contemporain, créée par une équipe de dessinateurs actifs dans l’auto-édition. Collection fait intervenir des artistes internationaux issus de l’art contemporain, de la bande dessinée, du graphisme. Dans le cadre du festival Fanzines! une partie de l’équipe de la revue abordera les coulisses du projet autour de la problématique suivante : “Comment faire un livre, un beau, un vrai, quand on vient du fanzine?”

Samedi 15 octobre à 15h
Médiathèque Marguerite Duras
115 rue de Bagnolet 75020 Paris

L’évènement facebook est ici.